Welcome to Jackson Leung . com!
If you haven't figured it
out yet, my name is Jackson Leung. I'm the programmer that
created this page. This site will be the
home of some of my web-based scripts. I try to make this
page look nice, do some nifty things to it, and keep it
xhtml strict.
This webpage is still in development, and will constantly
be changing as I come up with more and more nifty things
to add to it. So please, check back often :)
- Jackson
What's story with these logos? Click to find out!
About Jackson Leung
I am a computer-geek born with a keyboard on my left hand
and a mouse on my right. My passion for computers started
at a very young age. From elementary to middle school,
my experience mainly consisted of playing with the OS and
basic HTML. It wasn't until a high school college
enrollment program was I able to start playing with real
programming languages like C++.
My passion for computers and programming continued well
into my college years at UCLA, where I specialized in
computing. Four quick years later, I'm continuing my
passion for programming as a professional PHP web
application developer and there is no place I'd rather be.
Below are some companies and projects I have worked on and for:
My resume will shine more light on the logos (available upon request)
My LinkedIn
Jackson Leung's for-funsies scripts!
I love cooking! Washing dishes are another matter, but I digress. I incorporated PHP and mySQL to create a dynamic list of fruits and veggies that are in season based on the month!
Check out what's in season!
I guess I could call it my anime search conglomerator,
but I went with tracker instead.
It uses a flat file as a database.
The page is coded so that all management can be done
through the page itself.
I have a working database driven version, except it's far
from being ready to be released.
Check out my anime tracker!
One day, I was trying to pick a page at random from my cook book in order to figure out what to cook. So, I was in need of a random number from a range of numbers and then this came to be :D It took me a few minutes and that's only because I added error checking.
Check out my random number generator!
Apparently, I have an issue with working less than 40 hours a week. I just lose all sense of time when I'm coding, and I hardly care about whether or not I go over that 40 hours. Until one day, I get lectured by the HR person. So in response, I coded a "when I should leave work in order to not accidentally hit the 60 hours per week mark again" calculator. Well... enjoy:
Check out my "Off Work" calculator!
At the request of my co-worker, I've created the new and improved version of my offwork calculator! I named it "OffWork
Calculator Version 2". Original, I know.
Check out my "Off Work Calculator 2.0!"
Jackson Leung's Blog
This is the place where keep a record of my personal thoughts on
cool topics such as programming, technology, news, economics, and etc.
Here's a recent excerpt from my blog:
December 6th, 2020
So! My old server crapped out on me on the 3rd, I was about to fix it when I figured, I might as well find a new service and a new server to port everything to. I don’t know about you, but when I plan something, I built the grand vision, and then, I trim …
Continue reading “Now on a new server and a new service!”